Saturday, August 25, 2012

RJ Bear

RJ cracks me up.  Remember how he was throwing a fit about being "featured" in this blog?  Well the other day I was telling him about some of my recent blog posts and he "casually" goes, "So, uh, what has Bear been up to in the blog? Has he made it in any of them?"  HAHA, he totally wants to be written about!  I knew it.  I told him, "Why yes, RJ-Bear just so happens to be the most popular character in the blog!"  To which he immediately replied, "What? No, no, I told you, no RJ, just Bear!" Seriously, guys.  What do I do with him/isn't he the cutest?

I mean, just look at these pictures...

So proud of him and all that he does.  He's also way cuter than Tom Cruise, AND he's not a crazy Scientologist... 

This picture is amazing.  His mom said he was pretending to be a lion.  Die. :)

Just wait until I post the one of him as a teenager staring off into the abyss with his Brian Austin Green haircut.  Total teenage heartthrob.  As soon as I remember to ask his mom to scan it for me, up it will go!  Until then, here's a little preview of what to expect....

No joke.  But it's even better.  Promise

If he ever saw this little montage of love he would absolutely kill me, so don't tell.  But it serves him right because today he was being such a pain.

First, he continues to come home from work and throw his keys and wallet all over the entryway table and knock down the pictures and expensive antiques.  (The clock, remember? $14.99).  This table is trying really hard to be classy, so you'd think he would take notice of the drawers.

It's made progress right?!

He also insists on reusing old Gatorade bottles as his water bottle  and wants me to put them in the dishwasher.  Instead, I've been throwing them away because of a little something called BPA POISONING!!!  RJ scoffed at me when I told him that this habit was gross, DANGEROUS, and bad for the environment.  (It's bad enough we don't recycle, do we really have to buy plastic water bottles too?)  He doesn't seem to care and made me buy new ones so he can continue to reuse them 20 million times.

Don't worry, I have a plan.  Being the clever wife that I am, I ordered him this Seahawks water bottle, so we'll see if that does the trick.  I'm not trying to be a widow here.

Anyway, all joking aside, I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be married to my best friend.  He's pretty awesome.  I will leave you with the scene from Parks and Rec which inspired our wedding vows... (not the real ones, just the ones we like to quote to each other every day).  Sorry for the link, Hulu wouldn't let me embed, but this clip is hilarious.  If you've never watched it, do yourself a big favor and click the link now.  You're welcome.

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