Monday, September 17, 2012

Likes and Dislikes

Great news team!  Last week was a lovely week in Vicksburg!  I almost couldn't think of any dislikes....just call me Positive Polly.  But then I was able to think of one thing, so I guess Negative Nelly is still alive.

Here are some highlights from the week:
  • I updated my resume, wrote 3 cover letters, and applied to sub positions in Vicksburg, Clinton, and Jackson.  Employment is becoming a light in the distance, and I for one, am ready.  Yesterday I realized I hadn't put on makeup or gotten dressed in something other than workout clothes or sweats since we were in New Orleans.  Yikes.  The other morning I was doing dishes while RJ was making breakfast, and he looked over at me and said, "Do you have something against pants or something?"  I mean please, he should know me by now, but still... it's obviously time to get a job.
  • RJ bought these as a surprise for me!  I showed him them one morning and told him I wanted to get two to hang above our couch.  I want to put pictures of New Orleans in one, and pictures of Seattle in the other, you know, our two loves?  But they were forty dollars each, and I may or may not have already spent 200 dollars on frames for our wedding pictures/things around the house... so I had promised RJ I was DONE spending money on frames.  I told him I would just wait and maybe get them as a Christmas present.  But a couple hours later he told me he bought the two frames for us, because he thinks they would look really good and he liked the idea.  RJ-Bear is a GREAT husband.
  • I got to talk to some of my old students on the phone last week and it made my day.  I miss them SO MUCH.
Missing these knuckleheads every single day...

But the number one GREAT thing that happened in Vicksburg this week was...

I FINALLY MET PEOPLE/MADE FRIENDS!!!!  Two friends actually.  I met them at the ghost pool, which has now been down-graded to semi-ghost pool.  One is a teacher in Vicksburg and she is going to help me get a sub job at her school!  The other lives in our apartment complex with her husband, who is in the Coast Guard, so he and RJ should get along great.  We exchanged numbers and talked about doing dinner/going for walks so I feel very hopeful.  They were really nice, and I am excited to get to know them both!  :)

So as you can see, major progress was made this week in "Operation Stop Being a Loser With No Friends".  I almost hate to bring it down with a dislike, but the name of this post requires it.  SO, here's something that's NOT OK:

Vicksburg is not an "online city".  Very few businesses have websites, or are even on Yelp.  You just find out about them through word of mouth, or when you drive by them.  On the one hand it makes for a very exciting day when you discover a gem, like frozen yogurt, behind the Walgreens.  It's like every day is a scavenger hunt, with a treasure to be discovered.  But on the other hand, sometimes you just want to Google something and find a company website, you know?  I need new running shoes, why are there ZERO sports stores with websites in Vicksburg?  Do I just have to drive around to find one?  And yesterday RJ and I wanted to get wings for the Seahawks game.  We know Vicksburg has a wings place because we've driven by it, but when I went to find it online... nothing.  No website, no menu, and I had to search the yellow pages to find a phone number.  So when I called I had to ask a million questions about the menu before I was ready to order.  Who enjoys that?  I'm going to ask some of these stores if they want to pay me to market for them, because the businesses in this city could use some of that, believe you me.

Any GREAT/NOT OK things happening in your neck of the woods?

Until next time! xoxo


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