Friday, September 21, 2012

This week's pictures

I skipped last week's edition of iPhone pictures, so some of these are old.  My phone finally got a break from only taking pictures of food, things around the house, or RJ when he's not paying attention.  Thank you New Orleans for making us (sort of) cool last weekend!

Pool time!  NOT naked pool time, though it may appear to be that way.
Go Dawgs! Or something like that.  I've never been a huge Husky fan, even though my family is.  However, RJ wants to go to law school there, so I am hopping on board!

Fun night!

RJ's first day of drill.  This uniform is not quite as hot as the Top Gun one, but he's still very cute, wouldn't you agree?
Somehow we got a picture together where RJ is smiling, and I don't look dumb.  Miracle!
Thanks for the great date friends!  And for supporting this blog!


The Bulldog

Love her!

"You're just going to put this in your blog."  Why yes, yes I am. 

RJ's amazing aunt, who spoke at the DNC.  She was incredible! Youtube Simone Campbell, and you will see what I mean.

Being a good house-husband, and making me a fancy drink

Operation "stop using plastic water bottles" is underway!  I presented them as a gift, so he is more inclined to use them. :) When RJ saw this he loved it all, especially the picture frame, which is a major victory, because whenever I buy frames he always makes a face, and says he "doesn't care" if we have pictures displayed around the house.  WTF?  But after he thanked me for the gifts he goes, "Do you think I need reduced fat cheeze-its?" with a concerned look on his face.  Heehee.

Now that fall is making an appearance, we have been enjoying dinners on the deck!


  1. Glad to see he is using the muddler. What a great stocking stuffer.

  2. I know! I agree! :) I actually took this picture to send it to you, but then I forgot. Good thing you read this blog.


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