Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Three Favorites

Once upon a time there was a weird 10-year-old girl who was inexplicably obsessed with the Seattle Mariners.  She watched every game, and when they weren't televised she listened to them on the radio.  Much to the annoyance of her parents she refused to miss a single game (and come on, baseball has like 30 million games a season so it's not like listening/watching every single one was convenient.  For anyone.)  She decorated her school binder ALL Mariners, and passed up playing outside with friends to watch the games.  Needless to say, she was definitely not one of the popular girls at school that year.  Go figure.  The only thing she loved more than the team was their star rookie player that year, Alex Rodriguez.  Number 3.  Her obsession with A-Rod put today's "Beliebers" to shame.

You may be thinking to yourself, "There is no way this story is about you, because you do NOT get obsessed with sports."  But alas, you are wrong.  This little narrative IS about me, and it is 100% factual.  And now you know one of my deep-dark secret fun facts.  You're welcome.

Needless to say, my love for the Mariners and Alex Rodriguez faded after a year or two, as I made room for loving N'SYNC, Brittany, and shopping.  But my love for the number 3 has always stayed strong, and to this day it is still my favorite number.  So in the spirit of the number 3, here are three things I am loving right now:

 This video!  It's all over Facebook right now, but if you haven't seen it yet, watch it right NOW.  I dare you not to smile.  This is the perfect remedy for a bad day.  Or a bad five minutes.

RJ bought me this shirt for Christmas and I love it!  Oh, and by RJ, I mean me.  He lost the privilege to buy me shirts after our first Christmas and the infamous "Seahawks shirt".  A great story for another time.  Anyway, I like to wear this while I reread Harry, and I highly suggest you get yourself one and do the same.  My friend B and I may even let you join our Harry Potter book club.

This chocolate chip cookie recipe.  Trust me, it's the best one out there.  I've tried LOTS of chocolate chip cookie recipes, even the famous New York Times one, but these are the best, I promise.  I made them the other day and sent them to work with RJ for the start of his new class, (OMG gag, can someone please find me a real job?) and he said they were gone in five minutes.  It's the secret ingredient that makes them so good.  These will be the softest and chewiest chocolate chip cookies you will ever make.  They are similar to the cookies that call for pudding mix in the recipe, but even better.  Trust.  So download this recipe, make them, and see for yourself!

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