Thursday, September 20, 2012

Errands Day- Idiots need not apply

Yesterday I ran errands for over 5 hours.  This is what happens when you share a car with your husband who works 7-5.  The errands stack up....aka... never get done.  I was a cantankerous monster on Tuesday night, ranting about how cooped up I felt, and how much I needed to do, but couldn't because I never have a car.  So RJ took the day off and let me have Fitty allllll day!  Yelling works.  And I love him.

It was so nice to spend time with him yesterday, I don't think I would be quite as motivated to get a job if I could just hang out with RJ every morning.  We woke up and drank tea on the porch together and read our books.  Then we made eggs and watched Kathie Lee and Hoda, and RJ told me that he had never watched the TODAY show before.  Can you believe that?  I have obviously failed him for the past 3 and a half years if this was the first time he had ever seen the Today show.  After about 15 minutes he goes, "They're really annoying, don't you think?"   Oh RJ.  He didn't seem to get it when I told him that their annoyingness was part of their charm.  "It's what makes them endearing,"  I said.

#timeswhenbeingumemployeddoesnotsuck.... Also, The Night Circus is a really good book.  If you're looking for a new one to read, I recommend it!

After we were lazy, I left for my errands day.  This town makes it just delightful to run errands, let me tell you.  EVERYTHING is within a 5 mile radius.  I had 7 different places to go, and nothing took more than 10 minutes to get to.  It's also impossible to get lost here.  And I can get lost in my own backyard.  I've actually diagnosed myself as a directional dyslexic.  If I'm not sure where I am, and my sense of direction says to turn one way, you best be turning the other way.  I am always wrong.  Every. Time.  But I haven't gotten lost here.  Not once!  Vicksburg is a directional dyslexic's paradise.

I will spare you the boring details of my errands, but a couple of the highlights included:
  • Picking up my license from the "DMV".  Apparently they left off the apartment number on my address so I had to go pick it up, as it was "undeliverable".  Under normal circumstances an extra trip to the DMV would be SO annoying.  But in this town everything is so easy to get to, there is always parking, and never a wait... so I wasn't even annoyed. 

I am officially a Mississippi resident.  I like that it's the "Hospitality State".  How nice.  It's also fun to see "Erika Alexander" :)  This also marks the first time in 5 years that my license, car registration, and insurance are all from the same state.  Pat on back self.
  • Fulfilling my civic duty and registering to vote as a Mississipian.  I tried to register at the DMV, but apparently, you have to actually go to the courthouse to register in Vicksburg.  Again, normally I would be all "heck no, I'm not making an extra trip downtown to go to the courthouse to register...", but in this case the courthouse is only 30 seconds away from the DMV, so it wasn't too bad.  And it allowed me to see this little gem.  So it was totally worth it.
Idiots are not qualified.  The best part is the grammatical error in the "Qualified to Vote" section.  Do you see it?

After my day of errands, I came home and "made" Eggos for dinner.  RJ was not so thrilled, but I LOVE Eggos!  How can you not?  AND they were whole wheat, so it was a healthy choice! 

Now I'm off to go put this in the crockpot to make up for the Eggos dinner last night.  I'm also going to make these, I'll let you know how they turn out.  Hope your day is great!!  


  1. Isn't Mississippi a Red state? Does that mean there are no voters?

  2. The grammatical error SLAYED me. Damn Mississippi... No wonder they are under Louisiana...

  3. haha dad. :) I'm thinking I might be the swing vote in Vicksburg. Just wait and see. And the grammatical error is what makes that whole page so amazing. :)


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