Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ode to TJ Maxx

It happened.  TJ Maxx finally opened.  Vicksburg is slowing stepping into the 90's.

The store was open for about all of 3 seconds before I went and had a passionate love affair with their home department.  We really need some stuff for this house y'all.  It's waaaay bigger than our last one, and frankly, just feels empty.  And we can't have that.  So I did some shopping.  I got ALL of this for under 200 dollars.  Even RJ was impressed.  Get ready to have your minds blown.

I bet you can't guess how much this entryway table cost... I will give you a hint- LESS than 100, and it's not made of cheap, flimsy wood either.  People were lusting after this table as I carted it out.

What a perfect fit!  You can't tell from this picture, but this space is actually smaller than it looks, and we were having a hard time finding a table that would fit.  They were either too small, or too big.  But this one is JUST RIGHT.  Now I need to find the perfect mirror to put above it.

Name this quote: "I don't get it.  Why would you buy empty bottles?"  Boys...

So cute, right?!  RJ and his clumsy self promptly knocked it over within 2 seconds of seeing it.  I kindly yelled at him to respect the antiques from TJ Maxx.

I like the idea of this table set-up... but I feel like something is missing.... it looks empty.  And kind of weird. Thoughts?

Grey and white pillows to match the grey and white bedroom theme I have going on.  Now I just need a wood headboard that will fit the "decor".  Any thoughts on where I can find a good one?

Wedding frames! Would you look at those prices? My goodness...

So that is why I won't be shopping anywhere but TJ Maxx for the rest of my life.  I mean, I still love Target, but I'm sorry... these designer deals are blowing my mind.  Nothing makes me happier than finding name-brand things for half-price.  Who needs exercise?  THAT is where my endorphins come from!  Sometimes stores like the Maxx can be a little overwhelming, with all the clutter and such.  But this one is brand new and B-E-A-U-TI-FUL.  No stress whatsoever, even in the clothes section!  I had to curb my inner Maxinista today in the fashion department since I was doing so much damage with the home goods.  But I saw Paper Denim Jeans for 40 bucks, and they had such cute boots and shoes.  Die.  So I'll just take names for visits to Vicksburg in the order that they come in, since now you all obviously want to come see our cute home and go shopping for deals with me.       

On the home front; I have embraced the stifled housewife that was apparently hidden deep down inside me.  I have been cooking and cleaning like a fiend so RJ doesn't notice that I'm still unemployed.  Actually, he doesn't seem to care, which hasn't exactly helped my motivation.  I think he's just in shock that I have made him lunch and dinner every day, and that the house is clean.  This is NOT the girl he fell in love with.  I give it about a week before he realizes that all I can really cook is some variation of this.  Sometimes I substitute rice for pasta and call it stir-fry.  However, thus far, he hasn't seemed to notice that he pretty much eats the same thing every day, and appears to be content.  In fact, the other day he told me to stop feeling bad and just appreciate this well-deserved break.  Isn't he the best?  The problem is, I'm not that cool, so when I'm on a "break" I just end up watching Gossip Girl for 8 hours straight. 

And since one can only watch so much Gossip Girl (or that "Drama-Bomb show", as RJ likes to call it), I finished being angry at the Jackson school district (and blogging about it), and updated my resume last night.   Then I emailed it off to Kelly Services.  Yes, you heard correctly.  Kelly Services will be my employer.  I don't even get to work for the school district.  The hits just keep on coming.  I only spent 15 minutes on my resume before I sent it in, and I didn't ask anyone to look over it.  "I don't even give a care", as my favorite student used to say.    Clearly I'm starting this whole employment thing with a great attitude.  But, at the end of the day, if I get to go hang out with kids again- that's all that really matters.  Good thing I got myself hitched though.  Lord, I really don't know how teachers support themselves in this state.      

One last thing- when RJ woke up today I sent him on a scavenger hunt to see how many different things he could find around the house.  Shockingly, instead of replying with some "smart" remark, he actually did it.  When he returned from his travels he asked me how I managed to put together the table without waking him up.  I told him I used a screwdriver instead of a drill.... and then he nodded his head as if he was impressed!  The truth is: the table totally came put together. I mean, please... that table would have taken me forever to assemble.  And I don't even know how to use a drill.  I think deep-down he knows the truth, but who knows... maybe I've impressed him so much with my domesticity lately, he really thinks I can put together whole tables silently.  Teehee.


  1. Love the table! I think you may be missing some flowers (sometimes TJ Maxx has some really pretty fake flowers) and you are totally right, a fabulous mirror would be perfect behind it (maybe a DIY project??) Looks great, good luck shopping!

    1. I think you are totally right! Thanks so much, and happy one day late birthday!!

  2. Where was this Erika when I was your roommate?!? I love your blog baby!

    1. Haha right? I love yours too!! Maybe we should quit our jobs and invest in writing. Oh wait, I seem to have already done that...


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