Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do you know what it means...

St. Louis Cathedral

Today I find my mind wandering to the city I love, and the people who live there.  As Isaac gets ready to make contact with New Orleans, I check the weather updates every half-hour, and wonder what my old students are doing.

I know both they, and the city, will be fine.  New Orleans is tough, and has been dealing with hurricanes longer than I could even imagine.  And my kids may just be even tougher.  It's more that... I wish I could be there.  I know it sounds crazy, as people are facing power-outages and flooded streets.  Today RJ remarked that he was glad we didn't have to deal with all that anymore.  But I can't say I feel the same.  I love New Orleans, storms in all, and would gladly trade the hassle of hurricane season to live there again.  

I am lucky enough to have been a resident for 4 amazing years, but to be honest, it wasn't nearly long enough.  Quite simply- New Orleans is a very tough city to shake.  I read this article the other day, and something he wrote really stuck with me:  "The city gets into your bones, your blood, your soul..."  It's completely true, and I couldn't agree more.  

The culture and the pride you experience and feel when you're in New Orleans is unlike anywhere else.  Everywhere you go there is something to see, something to eat, an event to take in, or even become a part of.... The lights and glitter of Mardi Gras don't even make a dent into what the city truly has to offer.  

If you visit New Orleans, there is no way to describe a "typical day".  You might find yourself wandering the streets of the Quarter, stopping to listen to musicians as they play.  You will delight in the fact that you can walk with a drink in hand, as you take in the architecture and history that is all around.  No matter where you stop to eat- it will be a good meal.  You may stumble upon a second-line and join the parade, because, why not?  Even if you aren't visiting during Carnival Season, someone will probably throw you some beads.  (And no, you won't have to show your boobs).  And with a state that has over 400 festivals a year (so an average of more than one A DAY), you won't need Mardi Gras for it to feel like a party.   No matter what, the energy of the city is palpable and always present.  

Uptown is quieter, but has just as many sights to take in, with old mansions lining the streets, and cemeteries just around the corner.  The sidewalks may jump up and bite you, but you can be certain that there will be a friendly person on their front porch asking if you are ok.  Then they will send you on your way with an "alright baby" and a wave.  

Only in New Orleans will you stop your lesson so your kids can peer out the window to watch the random Jazz Band marching in the streets below.  Only in New Orleans do people dress up just as often as they wash their car.  Only in New Orleans can you sneak into the after-party for a Krewe of a parade, and no one seems to mind.  "The more the merrier" (and maybe a little bit of "who cares!") is truly the motto of the city.  Only in New Orleans will you find a Catholic church coexisting peacefully with the voodoo shop across the street.  And only in New Orleans will you find a place that continues to be ever resilient, and has a spirit that shines so much brighter than its flaws.

The city is not for everyone, that I understand.  And it would be ignorant of me to pretend it has no faults.  I'm sure for some, New Orleans may just be too much.  But for me, it was just right.  It was more than just a place; it was a feeling I got when I lived there.  It's the feeling I get when I visit. 

It's been said that there are two kinds of people in this world- those who live in New Orleans, and everyone else.  Here's to working my way back to the former.  I love you NOLA.

Just your typical tree after Mardi Gras
The oldest public market in America....
The Quarter... NOT Bourbon Street. Obviously.

My old school

Block Party with the 610 Stompers!
Best muffalettas in the city...
My favorite time of the year, with some of my favorite ladies!
Mardi Gras brings out the best in everyone!! :)
The drivers of these carriages are very friendly.  Once, on a field trip with my kids, one of them gave us a ride around the block for free.
Art in the Quarter
Just another day...
Canal Street after the Saint's Superbowl win.  One of the best nights ever.
New Orleans' architecture
Go see Steamboat Willie... he's my favorite.
The Red Dress Run
St. Patrick's Day Parade! One of the very best!
Scavenger hunt around the city...
Street car on St. Charles

Meet me in NOLA, I'm planning my next trip as we speak! :)

PS... If you're going to do a meal right in New Orleans, it should be at one of Uptown's hidden treasures such as Atchafalaya, or Gautreau's.  And though it might not be a "hidden treasure", you should never pass up a meal at Jacque-Imo's.

And check out this list for 100 essential experiences you shouldn't miss!

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