Monday, September 10, 2012

Likes and Dislikes Part III

This weekend we traveled to the best city IN THE WORLD, and had the most lovely time.  We hung out with great friends, ate good food, visited some of our favorite places, and I got to spend time with my some of my old students from Habans.  They are 7th graders now, I really can't believe it!!  In my mind they're still cute little 10 years olds, but in reality they are teenagers!  Complete with total "I'm too cool for school and all my teachers" attitude.  But I told them they weren't allowed to pull that crap with me, because I was no longer their current teacher.  So they agreed to still love me.

The only thing that kept it from being the best weekend ever is that I wasn't able to visit my kids at ARISE.  RJ worked extra hours all week so he could leave work at 10am on Friday so we could get to New Orleans in time for me to go visit them.  (Isn't he seriously the best?)  BUT the building took on a bunch of water from the storm and is currently being rid of mold.... soooooo, school was not in session this week.  I was so disappointed, but made a plan to come back in a couple weeks, and if any stupid hurricane tries to show up and stop me, so help me GOD.

Regardless of the disappointment, the visit was just what this lonely soul needed.  I'm counting the days until our next trip.  I will post more New Orleans highlights later this week, but now it is back to the grind...aka...time to get my butt in gear and actually get a job.  Ugh.  Wish me luck.


Ok, it's been a couple hours and I'm off to a great start.  So far I've decided that I hate searching and applying for jobs, and... I've written this blog post.  RJ is so lucky.  I am such a catch.  This really wouldn't be a problem if someone would just PAY ME TO BLOG ALREADY!

Anyway, let's check in with this week's edition of GREAT and NOT OK in Vicksburg...


Kroger is an amazing.  I've never lived in a place that had a Kroger, but I'm loving it.  I hate to be disloyal to my lover (New Orleans) but it is infinitely better than the Rouses.  It just is.  More selection, better produce, cheaper prices.... I could go on and on.  They even have a home and garden section where I bought some beautiful pots for my soon-to-be-started-balcony-garden.

***When I first went to Kroger, I delighted in the home and garden section and bought a couple of small succulents for the house.  About a week later I left for my 15 day journey to New Orleans/Seattle/Montana.  When I came home, I noticed the succulents were no longer on the windowsill.  I asked RJ where the plants went and do you know what he said?  "I figured they would die when we were in New Orleans so I just threw them away."  I asked him if they looked dead when he threw them out, and his reply was "Kinda. I guess?"  Can you believe that?  As if it's normal behavior to prepare for a trip by THROWING PLANTS AWAY.  Who does that?  "For your information, succulents rarely need to be watered, so you threw away perfectly good plants for no reason," I yelled.  SO rude.  This is the second time RJ has allegedly killed my plants on purpose.  I think it may be a conspiracy theory to try and make me think I can't garden... but I'm not falling for it!

Anyway, sorry for the tangent, back to Kroger.  The best part about Kroger is its gas station!  Not only is it already cheap, I saved 10 cents a gallon the last time I filled up there because apparently RJ and I are pigs and buy a lot of groceries.  Kroger is the sh*t.  


RJ's car D-I-E-D and had to go to car heaven.  So we are a one car family for the time being.  The "green" me likes that we are saving the environment.  But the "trapped-without-a-car" me that only has 1.5 friends (NEATO, remember?), is not the biggest fan.  Luckily "Fitty" is treating RJ just excellently, and he is happy because he finally gets to drive a sports car.  My Corolla SPORT?  Oh, and my car is named "50-Cent aka Fitty" because once it was shot 3 times.  But that is a story for another blog.

Goodbye Sally Saab... we will sort of miss you.
I know that one had nothing to do with Vicksburg, but it's my blog, and I can do what I want.  It counts.

Till next time lovers!

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