Friday, September 7, 2012

This week's pictures

This week has been quite busy... ha. ha.

This is how 98% of all our photos turn out.  One of us, or both of us, looks dumb.  Here we are looking dumb while we watch soccer at Vicksburg's only bar.  We do that a lot.  Watch soccer that is.  Have I mentioned that I'm obsessed with soccer? Okyeahright.  I'm sorry, I know the whole world likes soccer and I should stop being a snobby American and get on board, but that is the key word right there.... BORED.  It's like "just SCORE already CMON!"  Ah, the things you do for love...
Trying a new beer...  it was good!  Oh, and sorry for the terrible quality of this (and many of the following) photos.  Basically my pictures only look good when I Instagram them.  That app is amazing, doesn't it just make you feel like a professional photographer?  No?  Is that just me?

Reading over a sleeping RJ.  I sent this photo to my friend Sally to show her that "See, even without power you and J-dub are cooler than RJ-Bear and I...."

If I had to choose one meal for the rest of my life, it might just be this....

Downtown Vicksburg.  It's very quaint, wouldn't you agree?  Its streets dream of the world outside...

Crab-stuffed mushrooms and wine.  Yum.

NEATO just doing his thing.  He's pretty hard-core with the off-roading and such.  One night I got really annoyed with him and started yelling at him.  RJ said, "Don't talk to our son like that!"  Yikes, we have officially crossed over to the dark side.  No wonder we don't have friends.

Shrimp and grits.  The recipe I followed/made even unhealthier was sooooo good.  Not for the figure.  But in every other way... Note- if you would like to make yours unhealthier too, here's what you do.  Flavor the grits with the bacon grease, and shrimp juice (you should probably cook the shrimp in the bacon grease too) not chicken stock.  Also, stir in some cream cheese, in addition to (NOT in lieu of) the cheddar cheese the recipe calls for.  Oh, and add a little butter.  Gahhh!! I know you are majorly judging, but it was GOOD so shut it.  And the cream cheese was reduced fat, so it really wasn't THAT bad.  RJ said they were some of the best grits he had ever tasted.  Amazing what bacon grease, butter, AND cream cheese can do for you... who would have thought?  This should probably be a meal that's only made once a year.
Our new globe!!  I love it!  Thanks for the great gift Jaymers!

Wedding photo FUN!

Swinging is good for the soul

True life: I have no job.  Putting together and organizing our new bookshelves has pretty much been my only accomplishment this week.  Do you like our child in the 8x10?  JK... I haven't ordered 8x10 photos yet, so we just display unknown children for the time being.

Our new lamps!  I think they are very chic and stylish.  RJ hates them.  When I brought them home he said, "Where did you find those, 1965?"  But he doesn't get decorating votes, so it's cool.  Am I impressing you with our clean bedroom?  Don't worry, I'm not that fancy.  It's because...

...I just shove all the mess in here!!  And yes, it is quite the adventure/obstacle course to get to any clothes or shoes.  Thank you for asking.  See.  I told you I would post some adventure photos in this week's edition.

I think we'll end on that high note.  Byyeee!

1 comment:

  1. I have a picture of you in 6th grade that shows a similar hairstyle to your top pic.


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