Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Likes and Dislikes Part II

Hello loves!  Hope everyone had a great Labor Day!  For unemployed losers such as myself, it was... just another day.  I tried not to enjoy it TOO much, since I haven't exactly been laboring lately...  But RJ and I did some bike shopping, went for a walk, and then powered our way through season 4 of Parks and Rec with chips and guac.  Season 4 was our favorite thus far- SO funny, we could not stop watching.  OH... and something very terrible and embarrassing happened to me yesterday morning, but I'm not ready to talk about it yet.

Ok, before we get started, let's take care of a few items of business.  First, in case you couldn't already tell, I LOVE TV.  It's the hobby I'm best at.  So it's only natural that this blog highlight funny sitcom quotes on the sidebar.  Therefore, it is imperative that you vote in this week's poll, so I know your favorite shows to pull quotes from.  All for you, my loyal reader, because I love you.  And funny sitcoms.  If you're like me and very passionate about your shows, and find it impossible to pick a favorite, you can vote for more than one.  Oh, and I'm a little hurt that TJ-Maxx lost in the last poll, but since it was to my other lover, Target, I will let it slide. 

ALSO, if you allow your eyes to travel slightly south of the poll, you will see a Facebook "Like" button.  If you like this blog you should click on it, because then it will appear in your newsfeed when there's a new post.  If you don't like this blog, and you think it's annoying, then definitely don't click on it.  And go away.  Just kidding!  Right now it's a very sad situation because I only have two likes and one of them was me.  The other was my mom.  And I had to coach her through it.  I know, I know, very pathetic.  Last little note, you won't see these two wonders if you are on your fancy-pants i-Pad, or i-Phone, so just do me a favor and join the rest of us on a good-old-fashioned computer.

OK, enough of THAT rambling.  On to new rambling!  Since I was so eloquent in that last post, let's just continue through our journey of all things GREAT, and NOT OK in Vicksburg Land.



This picture does not do justice to the coolness of this park...
This park.  I'm sorry, how cool is this park?  I want to have kids in Vicksburg, just so they can experience the awesomeness that is this park.  The other night RJ and I came here and swung on the swings and ran around before we went to dinner and it was so fun.  Did you know he had never played lava monster?  I had to teach him what it was.  I feel so sad for child RJ, never knowing the amazingness of lava monster.  I wanted to go get a bottle of wine and some cheese and come back and have a picnic, but RJ reminded me that Mississippi has open-container laws (LAME), and that this was a children's park, so maybe we should refrain.  So sad.  Oh, I also got motion sickness after swinging too high and then I felt old.  Also, very sad.

We are going to form a "Adults without kids who love parks" club.
Teaching RJ lava monster.  He didn't want to follow the rules though.  Which ultimately led to his demise.  Rookie mistake. 

I prefer toddler swings.  Better back support.


No one will be my friend.  Correction- no one will come out of hiding long enough for me to even try to be friends with them.  I've been going to the gym and the pool at our apartment complex at least 3-4 times a week, AND NO ONE IS EVER THERE.  EVER.  Our balcony overlooks the apartment's communal barbeque/yard/field area, and NO ONE IS EVER OUT THERE EITHER.  I also never see anyone in the parking lot walking out to their cars.  I think this apartment complex is haunted and only has invisible ghosts living in it.  Before you laugh at this theory (like RJ did), please keep in mind that we are 1/2 a mile from THE VICKSBURG BATTLEFIELD.  If that isn't a place likely to be crawling with ghosts, I don't know what is.  Actually, now that I think about it, this place is probably sitting right on top of parts of the battlefied.  Yipes!  No wonder no one ever goes outside.  I'm not afraid of ghosts though.  Especially ghosts that are willing to be my friend.  I'm an equal-opportunist friender.

If friending ghosts doesn't work out, my plan B is to take some yoga and pilates classes at the Y.  I am definitely not above going up to strangers and starting conversation.  Things are starting to get a little desperate over here- lately I've found myself talking to NEATO.  Oh yeah, I also plan to start working in the next month, so that should help too.  Can't forget that whole "job thing".

Just another beautiful Saturday at the abandoned ghost pool

 ***Last Friday RJ and I were leaving dinner and the restaurant we were at had a bar attached to it.  The bar was full of people celebrating "Sarah's 21st birthday".  They were a lively bunch!  I immediately suggested that we stay and buy Sarah a birthday shot, and make some friends.  RJ replied that we were "too old" to be making friends with twenty- one year-olds.  Rude.  I'm really not in a position to be picky here, considering that I'm counting NEATO as a semi-friend.  And I also still think of myself as 22.  Is that weird?  Alas, we left and will probably never be friends with twenty-one year-old Sarah.  :(


Um, we have a TJ-Maxx here.  Isn't that enough?

Oh and RJ's pretty cool too.  Minus the fact that he's been killing my plants.  But that story will have to wait for Likes and Dislikes Part III.  I'm sure you are on the edge of your seat with anticipation.

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