Thursday, September 6, 2012

Post-Tramautic Stress

Something very sad and embarrassing happened to me on Monday morning.

RJ and I were laying on the couch watching TV, and I was dozing in and out of consciousness.  Again, I found myself in only a tank top and underwear.  Before you judge, let me explain.  It was RJ's only day off this week (he worked over the weekend), so he was relaxing and catching up on rest.  I was just being a supportive wife and doing it with him!  And I told you, I DON'T LIKE TO SLEEP IN PANTS.  Anyway, I'm half-asleep on the couch when all the sudden there was a loud knock on the door.  I'm obviously struggling with some post-traumatic stress from last week's incident because for some reason my reaction was to JUMP STRAIGHT UP, and SPRINT into the bedroom.  "It's's the home inspection!!"  I yelled as I slammed the door behind me.  However, due to the fact that I was still half-asleep, and in full speed-racer mode, I lost control of my bearings and couldn't slow down.  I stumbled head-first into our bedroom window, nearly yanking the blinds off, and then fell to the floor.

RJ walked in and found me lying on my back.  "What the hell are you doing?  Are you ok?"  he asked, staring down at me.  "I thought... I guess I thought it was the maintenance guys and they were going to walk in on me naked again..." I mumbled.  "You're crazy," RJ said as he started to laugh at me.

After this lovely little showing I had a headache... probably a minor concussion... for the next 2 hours.  I laid on the couch and whined about what a loser this place has made me.  "I think you're managing that status just fine on your own," RJ responded.

Well, at least I have a supportive husband to get me through this.

Hello?  RJ?  Is that you in there?

That lovely little bruise on my lip?  Oh, just another casualty from running into the window with my face.  I'm am literally that wife where when people ask "What happened to your lip?" and I reply, "Oh I accidentally ran into a window...." it's true.  Poor RJ.  Also, please excuse the weird/gross picture.  The lengths that I will take to show you what an idiot I am...
The culprit.  It looks so innocent...  Oh, hey NEATO!!

Oh, and the knock was just the stupid window-washing guy, leaving his advertisements and coupons on our doorstep.  I will NOT be calling him.  Ever.


Tell me, have you ever had a very embarrassing experience due to some post-traumatic stress?

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